Sunday, January 31, 2010

The fabled Christmas letter- Oh yea, I know it's late!!!

Merry…. Uh….. whatever? With little tidbits of news and the rest krap.
Well as you can see by the date on your new 2010 calendar, we didn’t quite make the 25 December 2009 time line for getting our annual splash of papyrus cheer to you all.  Now don’t be haters, at least you are still on our list.  Every time we move we have to trim the fat.  Be thankful you are not the fat.

2009 was an eventful year for our family, but isn’t every year?  If events didn’t happen, then why would I write about them? (Why would Traci make me do this year after year?) No worries though.  Sit back and enjoy the updates.

Our biggest news is that in July, we loaded up our hand cart and crossed the ocean for my new job in Germany. We found a great house on a farm in a small town.  The kids love everything about the cows and chickens and rabbits.  Our landlords are great and treat us like family.  We have a very nice life.  A fun part of living here is having my parents so close as well.  They are on a mission in Brussels Belgium, which is only about 2 hours away. 

Everything is very close to us!  For Traci’s birthday we took a trip to London.  We had a great time walking all over the city and smelling all the wonderful smells on the underground.  I think I have about 2 million new friends.  I really don’t like to touch people.  Well, I didn’t. Now I think I do.

The kids are doing well.  Dustin is now 6 years old.  Believe it or not he is quite the comedian.  He started kindergarten and all the girls think he is the greatest thing on the planet.  Sometimes he refuses to comb his hair in the morning because he is tired of being cute for the girls.  He loves doing arts and crafts, mostly making love letters for his mom, dad brother and sister.  We always have scraps of paper, staples and tape all over the floor of the house.  Traci loves that.

Isabella is 9, is in 3rd grade and is still as princessey as ever.  She loves cheerleading and is quite the gymnast.  She doesn’t walk anywhere, so you really need to watch out unless you want a little girlie foot in your face as she cartwheels to the dinner table, up the stairs to bed, or in the aisle at the grocery store.  Yep, perfect cartwheels, not always in the perfect place or time.

Brennan is 11 and in the 6th grade.  He loves school, as long as it doesn’t involve recess or sports.  Science and creative writing are his forte and he is also becoming a pretty good sculptor.  With all the snow this winter he has become the construction foreman, guiding (or yelling at) his brother and sister while making the most impenetrable fort ever. “It’s gonna last until summer, I know it!” Yea, he is at that awkward stage.  Well, at least my oldest is following in my footsteps of dorkiness.

Speaking of Traci, she is just as great as ever.  She is the Young Women’s leader at church.  The girls love her and she really tries to teach them the right path.  She sure keeps our family headed in the right direction.  She has the capability of going every direction.  Shortly after we arrived in Germany, she took a quick trip to Italy with some other ladies and has a great time roaming around the local area here always looking for that next great bargain.  Clearance racks beware, Traci is on the prowl!

And finally the main prowler: me.  Look out computer key boards and office chairs, I will type on you and sit on you! To say my job is exciting is an understatement.  The rush I feel when I stand up is only comparable to that feeling you get when you stand up too fast after watching grass grow all day long.  Ohh, there it comes again from being finished with this letter.  So, happy St. Patrick’s day once again.  Remember the reason for the season.

Love  Dan, Traci, Brennan, Isabella and Dustin 

1 comment:

  1. That was fun to read. I think it would be so exciting to live in Germany. I have always wanted to go to Europe. It is so nice to keep in touch with Facebook and now blogging. You can check mine out if you want at
